Tag Archives: an abuser abuses

Staying, Losing, or Leaving

I stay for the kids.”
“It’s okay, he’s never violent to our children.”
“Don’t worry, he never hurts the kids.”

We’ve all said it, we may have even meant it. It sounds good, but it is just another lie in the arsenal of lies told by abusers and repeated by their victims.

“He just gets mad at me, he’s never violent with our kids
Let’s really look at this lie. According to the Center for Disease control; when children live in homes where domestic violence occurs, that child is more than 15 times more likely to be a victim of physical or sexual abuse. This is not referring to future abuse from a different abuser. Listen to me, Your child has a 60% chance of being abused by your abuser. The fact is that your abuser is not violent to your children; yet. You know the fear you live with everyday, now multiply that exponentially with how little your children are. They are little prisoners of war, and it’s not even their war.

He isn’t hurting our children.”
Here are the facts, according to CDC. Nine out of ten, 90%, of children living with domestic violence are eye witnesses at least one time. Around five percent of children witness a parent being severely assaulted, repeatedly. I know those are just numbers, but they are disturbing numbers.

Let’s look at how just seeing this violence harms them. Children who grow up witnessing domestic violence experience psychosocial maladaptation. When your child witnesses your abuse, his/her brain and central nervous system literally changes. These effects include PTSD, antisocial behaviour, depression, anxiety, and separation anxiety. Children will reenact the violence with peers, have recurring nightmares, and become easily agitated. In case that is not enough, they are, also, more likely to have learning disabilities, ADHD, attachment disorder, lower than average intelligence, and are at an increased risk to engage in self-harm.

The truth is this. Your abuse is their abuse. Saying you stay for the kids isn’t just unacceptable. It is a dangerous and negligent lie. They didn’t choose that life, and they certainly deserve better. Their little brains are being damaged in a very real and permanent way. Hormone responses, brain growth, and cognitive function are all drastically harmed. Scars are forming that will last a lifetime.
Staying for the kids is akin to dragging them through an active battlefield. Leave for the kids.

If you need help leaving your abuser, please reach out to your nearest Child Protective Agency. They are trained to help, they are waiting to help, they believe you, and they will help you find your way.

A Cry for Prayer, Helpless, and Afraid

I am still so very afraid of my ex-abuser. Full fledged fear. Heart pounding, sick to my stomach, fear. Can’t breathe, dizzy, jumping and twitching fear.

And as I am laying in bed, doing research and figuring out how to lessen his time with my daughter, I feel physically ill. With fear. I’m calling my lawyer in the morning, it’s time. But the whole thing is making me sick. With fear.

I can’t ignore her crying for me when she leaves, the iron grip of her little arms around my neck, the pleading, mommy no I stay I stay with mommy. It breaks me.

And her fear outweighs my own. Her life is more important to me than anything else I could have. Even this fragile peace.

So pray for me, for strength; and pray for my sweet daughter. Cover her in the blood because it’s Thursday and she’s been gone for 11 hours.

And if you have any advice or tips… please share.